Post by montygrahamYes, Ruben, probably everyone who reads this group regularly now knows
some of my tentative conclusions involving things like "HIV/AIDS,"
thanks to you. I'm glad you are "spreading the word," though I
consider it inappropriate to do so in this context, which is why I
don't bring up such topics when I post here. You seem to have some
"boundary issues," but that's your problem, if you have it, and
regardless, none of this has anything to do with Wright's lack of
offensive production, fielding errors, apparent stubbornness, etc.
uack quack
Warning::: Monty1945 is a certified nut case pretending to have
medical credentials. He posts across the Internet, trolling for
victims and recommends a diet high saturated fat content for a
healthy lifestyle, and as a cure for disease. He denies the
existence of AID's. In addition, "Dr Monty" by admission in usenet,
uses his body for experimental purposes, the results, being as
they are, a completely dysfunctional brain pattern, probably
secondary to the stoke he has acquired by following his own medical
advice. He's also been know to have two way conversations with his
AM/FM radio and to hound professional athletes.
Anything he posts needs to be viewed as the rantings of a brain
damaged adult limited to 24/7 skill nursing care.
thus speakith Monty the troll
Did you read my recent post here, "Using basic logic to understand
"HIV/AIDS."" ?
They have abandoned logic, even at the most basic level. We are
the Emperor's New Clothes now. In this case, the "Emperor" has no
kingdom, aside from the asylum and his fellow inmates, whom he calls
his "subjects." Like all periods of fanaticism, this one will come
an end at some point, and historians like myself will write about it
very similar terms as they do now the witchcraft fears of the
and seventeenth centuries in Europe. Being heavily "invested" in a
notion is quite similar to insanity, and many of us realize this in
politics these days, but when it comes to what is considered
it is much easier to convince the public that "white is black" and
"black is white." Thus, it will take longer for the deadly
"HIV=AIDS=DEATH" house of cards to crumble than it does for
incompetent, ideological-minded politicians to be voted out of
If you have yet to do so, I explain what the best explanation for
"HIV/AIDS" is on my web site:
I quote the "virus hunters" directly, and I also cite numerous
from the scientific literature.